I have always been curious about life beyond earth and I know deep down that what we as humans are conditioned to know as the truth is far too simple than the grand scheme of the Universe.
I had this very vivid memory from when I was 3 or 4 years old. I knew it happened at that age because we moved to a new home when I was 5 or 6, and this memory happened in our old house.
It's the middle of the night, we were all sleeping in the living room. Everyone is already asleep when I woke up as if someone called me. I was just lying there, staring at the ceiling and wall of the living room when like magic, it dissolved and I was suddenly floating in space.
Looking back, it was not a bad memory. I remember being calm and not afraid. I looked around and I saw millions of stars from afar and there's a big red-orange-yellow planet on my left. Then I "heard" a voice. "Heard" because the voice is not actually talking in a language that I understand but I am pretty sure it was talking to me telepathically. I can understand.
I already forgot the entire gist of what the voice is saying but all I can remember was, "don't forget" or "remember this." He/she was talking to me as if narrating a story and asking me to not forget. It's of utmost importance that I remember it. Then the voice showed me something. There are floating bodies being transported on an invisible conveyor belt. They are not dead, just sleeping. They were arrranged in two files, lying with their hands on their sides (like Shavasana pose). What they are wearing is an orange-y "costume" that is somehow similar to the time of Genghis Khan. They are being transported to somewhere.
It was so vivid and all I can remember was the voice was asking me to remember or to not forget.
All my life, I have been wanting to remember what was it that I was supposed to not forget. I was afraid to tell this to anyone, even to my parents, out of fear that they won't believe me, think that I'm losing my mind, or just inventing a story. I came to a point that even me, I am questioning myself if it really happened or just a product of my very colorful imagination. But how can a three or four year old invent something like that? đŸ¤”
Anyway, I am sharing this now not for anyone's approval or validation.
At 35 years old, I quite remember what that voice was asking me to remember or not forget. I thought that remembering is like a normal memory that you can get back in an instant. Remembering is a journey of collecting tiny information, like a baby eating from a spoon, then graduating to bigger and bigger meals.
Finding the truth, I was obsessed with the Bible until I almost becamea Born Again Christian. Then it was not enough, I almost converted to Islam. Until I became an agnostic to being a negative and hating atheist, I finally had my awakening.
I guess, I wanna share this now after so long because I want to share to whoever reading this that life is so much more than what we are told. Listen to your instincts, don't be afraid to question existing dogmas, and find your truth. You will find it. ❤